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These beautiful children's affirmation cards are a fun way to help your child feel worthy and grounded while helping to instil qualities such as positivity, courage, confidence and compassion.This card pack is perfect for teachers, parents or caregivers.


Yogi Bears Children’s Affirmation Cards

Only 4 left in stock
  • 54 Affirmation Cards + YogiBears carrier bag.

  • There are a number of ways you can use the cards:

    • Display the cards in your classroom, playroom, home, or besides your child’s bed. Create a routine, perhaps everyday or at the start of the new week, pick a card and have the child read the card out loud or you can read it with them. Put the card in its stand and place it somewhere visible so it serves as a reminder for the day or week ahead.

    • If it has been a troubled day, ask the child to pick a card from the deck that they would like to feel. Perhaps you do the same, vulnerability in adults helps a child keep theirs. Ask the child how you can help them work towards feeling the way the card depicts.

    • Give the deck of affirmation cards to the child, ask them to choose a card that they like at that moment, ask them why?

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